Thursday, October 19, 2017

About that bulletproof coffee life...

Keto, week 3. Plugging along, seeing results, happy with it for the most part except for one or two things.  (Those two things: 1) Parmesan cheese loses its appeal when it starts to harden and taste like woodchips, and 2) I'm spending a lot more time reading nutrition labels and finding non-keto ingredients everywhere. Guess that's not a bad thing?)

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Keto grocery shopping, and more running music

I recently went through the painstaking process of cleaning my pantry and refrigerator.  For most, I don't think it's all that difficult of a concept, but I was raised in a household that believed you should always have enough food in the pantry to survive a zombie apocalypse, space and convenience be damned.  So, my natural train of thought after cleaning it out was, of course, to fill it right back up again. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Running again....

This blog came into existence due to a love of music, and a love of running; I combined the two, talking shoes, courses, races, music, you name it. Sadly, there hasn't been a single thing on this blog about running in quite some time. That changes now. If you're not interested in running and music, or hearing about the wonders of the SI joint, or one of the neatest ways EVER to train for a half marathon, no need to follow after the jump ;)

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

I did Keto way before it became a "thing", but...

So, I've been hearing a lot about keto, ketosis, the keto all started back in the summer when Billy Football (intern for Pardon My Take, pretty much the best sports podcast out there - if you don't know who Big Cat and PFTCommenter are, we need to talk) got his bosses onto that keto lifestyle.  Drinking a gallon of water a day, cutting out carbs...these guys were roasting sausages in the office and peeing on keto test strips on the daily in order to lose weight. 

I didn't think much of it myself until a few friends got really serious about it, then decided to take a little keto journey of my own.

Monday, October 2, 2017

No, I won't back down

"I'll keep this world from dragging me down, and I'll stand my ground, and I won't back down..." - Tom Petty

Kinda crazy that the very blog that was named for my favorite Tom Petty song is one that I decided to start up again on the day of his death. Originally this blog was about running marathons, half-marathons, triathlons, and the music that inspired me while I did so. Then it morphed into cooking. Then, my Mom's health, and reflections on grief. 

I have no idea where this evolution goes next, but I know what songs I'll be listening to while I'm reworking the blog and writing this post. Not a bad metaphor for life, tbh. 

"Baby, there ain't no easy way out. Hey, I stand my ground. And I won't back down."