However, a few things: one, I started back up on my training for my next race and it's going smashingly. Sometime after finishing my last race, I realized that I have no excuses to stop on a run - unless I'm injured or sick, obviously - because I've proven to myself that I CAN do it, and therefore, owe it to myself and to my training to finish what I start. This "mental breakthrough" of sorts has been instrumental in me succeeding at my first bout of speedwork for this next race, and I intend to write much more on the topic. My first experiments with speedwork have been doing one-mile 5K pace a 5K race pace is much, much faster than a half-marathon pace, these have really been helpful. Next up - fartleks. Might be a word you don't like to say out loud, but they're great for picking up the speed :)
Secondly, I've really started getting into the creation of new desserts, so I will be posting a great recipe on how to make triple chocolate toffee cookies - they're the size of bakery cookies and just as delicious, and very easy to just have to buy a lot of ingredients, because like the name says, they use three different types of chocolate. I'm also experimenting with shortbread - it's the kind of cookie where you can make a ton of different flavors with very basic core ingredients of flour, sugar, and butter, so I'm looking forward to posting about that here.
Now you can see why I have to counteract the cooking of the blog with the running of the blog, yes?