Monday, April 5, 2010

Track of the Day

Yesterday I went for a nice 4.5 mile run on the treadmill due to lots of wind and rain outside. I don't mind running in the rain, per se, but I'd like to avoid it in this last week before the race just in case I get myself sick.  I'm hoping that next Sunday yields some of the gorgeous weather we've been having as of late, but now that it's April and spring is in bloom, I fear that there might be some rainstorms in store for me - there certainly were last year, according to the photos I've looked at of races past.

Running on the treadmill has become very routine for me - I think I would have gone much longer, but the combination of having a smoothie from Steak n' Shake and just being bored made it a shorter run than I was thinking it'd be.  Also? It's hard to find a TOD when you're already motivated. Therefore, I'll just say that the TOD from yesterday was a song I love to listen to when I'm running, and be thankful for the fact that I didn't need any additional bursts of energy to get through the run itself.

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