Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rant Blog

Today's blog has nothing to do with food, but rather, a rant that I've been wanting to have for awhile but so far, I've only had to John. However, I'm going to go ahead and have it here because I can.

You know what really grinds my gears? When people lie about military service. And it grinds my gears regardless of the significance of the lie, whether it's saying they worked with a certain unit of group of people that they never really worked with (having worked with AFSOC and other folks associated with these guys, I saw this a time or two), or just flat out lying about duration and terms of service. Obviously some lies are more egregious than others.

So my rant is about a friend of a friend. This is someone that claims she is retired from the military. Interesting, since she graduated from high school 18 years ago. Even more interesting since she only served for six years, and did not continue with Reserve or Guard time - she made a clean break. Even MORE interesting, as she did not separate for a medical reason, so it wasn't a "medical retirement" - and for the record, with my experience with medical retirements, they don't happen very often. I know several people who have been medically separated, but not a single person who has been medically retired.

Maybe it's semantics, maybe I'm just wasting my time getting angry at someone that I'm likely to never see in my life - but it bothers me that she tells people, especially here in Indiana where most people simply don't know any better, that she is retired. That she is willing to lie and imply that she served 20+ years honorably and earned the ability to claim that she has retired from the military, with all of the associated benefits that come with.   When really, in the one time I spoke with her, she just said she was tired of the military way of life and decided to get out and pursue something else, which she did. Approximately 12 years ago. 

I know it is pointless to get angry over things that you can't control, and I think this blog is my way of just venting and then dropping it. I just find it a grave disservice to those who have served honorably their ENTIRE lives, and given so much of themselves to the cause, for someone to take the credit where it is absolutely not due.

Rant over. Enjoy your day.


The Fat Kid said...

I agree 100%! Yes, you might make yourself sound cool but you're really doing a disservice to those people who DID serve until retirement.

What a DB. Can I say that about a female?

Cebon said...

Hmmm... this sounds vaguely familiar. Maybe she and my you know what should get together.