Thursday, February 18, 2010

Track of the Day

Today's run was an undeniably difficult one - not because of the distance (just over 3 miles) or the pace (I was trying to run just slightly under race pace) - but rather, the shoes! My podiatrist prescribed and then created orthotics for my shoes, and I'm meant to wear them at all times, even when working out.  Well, like the stubborn runner that I am, I absolutely balked at the idea of wearing them while running and have put off training in them until this week. Terrible idea. So today's run was basically an exercise in creating blisters on my feet where there previously were none, as my running shoes had been perfectly worn in to my non-orthotic wearing feet. 

This is likely why today's song, brought to you by Limp Bizkit, is so fitting.

Today's honorable mention? "Big Pimpin'" by Jay-Z - because before the blisters started, I felt like I was ;)

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