Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Track of the Day...and musings

I'm not doing the greatest job at updating my TODs lately - not because I haven't been running, but because I'm lacking a twee bit of motivation.  I feel much better this week than I did last week, so I'm taking that as a sign that this week will be better for running...it needs to be, since next week is my "taper" week before the race and I likely won't run more than a few miles next week before the half-marathon on Sunday. 

Last week I ran about 5 times, but I just felt incredibly blah about the whole process.  I did everything I usually do...ate enough carbs to give me fuel for the run, adjusted my music to play exactly what I'd need to motivate me, wore the right clothing for the weather, and went out when the sun was shining the brightest to maximize the beauty of the day.  Physically, the runs were easy and continue to get easier - but mentally, I might as well have had a 50-lb pack on my shoulders. 

I tried to change it up a little yesterday, and went running around my neighborhood and some of the surrounding developments.  That helped a bit, although in new neighborhoods, I always feel a little wary that a rogue dog may appear out of nowhere.  No dogs, and no other people, and I managed to enjoy the run. I also managed to find a track of the day, which last week seemed near impossible because the music wasn't doing anything for me.

What a Debbie Downer blog, eh?  Things are better now. I'm feeling much more motivated.  I'm looking forward to running this afternoon.  I may want to take it down a few notches, though - I wonder if part of my lacking motivation had anything to do with the fact that I'm running a lot more during the week. I know burnout is something to beware; yet I don't feel burned out, if anything, running is become as routine to me as washing my face and getting dressed in the morning.  Do anything for three weeks and your mind and body begin to see it as a habit, which I like.  

(Also, just for kicks, I tried on a skirt that I haven't worn since senior year of college...and yes, I realize it makes zero sense that I still own this skirt since I obviously am not using it...and it fit perfectly. Another benefit of running that I'm not technically looking for, but am happy to have nonetheless.)

OK.  Yesterday's track of the day is more or less what I started and ended the run on, just by chance - the iPod decided to play it twice, and it just so happened to be the first and the last song of the run, so here it is. It's a happy song that reminds me of the weeks before our wedding, and so I'll always like it. (Even if it totally doesn't seem like a running song.)

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