Monday, August 8, 2011

Donut of Misery, the 2011 version

Although I certainly wouldn't choose to have my sweet husband deployed, I understand better than most why he has to go, and support him in what he does - and part of that support is offering up some humor whenever possible. I suppose it also helps that I've been downrange a time or two myself. 

Anyway, a popular way to pass the time if you are a huge nerd like me is to create a donut of misery. I originally saw this when I was stationed in New Mexico, so it's not an original concept. However, thanks to my former laptop being a piece of poo, I had to recreate this because I was unable to get my wheezy, geriatric laptop to stay on long enough to attempt to open the file from 2006 and send it to myself to alter. As someone who hasn't touched Excel in two years or so, it was a joy and a delight to recall all the formulas to get this right. The numbers for the tax free and combat pay are a bit off, but whatever, that's not why we look at these things anyway.

So - for your amusement, this year's Donut of Misery. Tee hee. (John, sorry, but I had to share it, I'm a little bit proud of my handiwork at recreating something from ages past.)

"If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane." - Jimmy Buffett

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