Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Run of the day

Today's run was a short but sweet 4 miles around the ND lakes again - I ran the first two miles, and alternated jogging and walking the last two...mainly walking since I was with my running buddy Phil for the last two and we were catching up.  However, I figure every little bit goes towards building my endurance, so right now my main focus is working on getting my body adjusted to the higher intensity cardio workouts it's now getting.  I'm working very hard on not getting injured in my training, as I know I'm asking my body a lot over the next 80 days.

I've been a bit lazy about putting a running playlist on my iPhone, and as such I've just been playing songs at random. For someone who really enjoys music while she runs, this isn't a good call. I was running along at a great clip during "Party Up" by DMX...and then I probably looked like I was running through molasses while relaxing to Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds". So, it's time to adjust my music, and that's my task over the next few days. Not that I don't love me some Bob, and believe me he'll stay on the playlist for cooldowns.

I believe that running is largely mental in many ways, and for someone like me who is not looking to break records but rather to run for the sheer pleasure of just running, I enjoy losing myself in my own thoughts and wanderings of the mind.  The first two miles of today's run, I just reflected on what today means to me - it's the five year anniversary of my father's passing, and I'm slowly getting to a point in my life where I can rejoice over his life and the fortune of having 25 wonderful years on this earth with him, rather than dwell on the sadness of no longer having him here. I know he'd love Mary so much, but I also believe he is watching over us from a better place, and in my heart, I sense he's at peace.  I miss him so very much, and I look forward to teaching my sweet daughter about what a great man her Granddaddy Royce really was.  I may not be able to have her physically meet him, but I can surely make sure his memory is one that stays alive throughout her life.

Song of the day goes to Bob Marley, even if I was only running 1.8 miles per hour while listening to him. Because, you know, everything little thing IS gonna be all right.

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